What You Should Know About Pancreatitis In Dogs


Pancreatitis is a condition that most dog owners do not know much about. Some have probably never even heard of it. However, it can be quite a serious condition for your dog. Learn some of the important facts about pancreatitis and its treatment options. Then, if your dog ever shows signs of pancreatitis, you can get them to an animal hospital such as Kenmore Veterinary Hospital as soon as possible for treatment and care. 

What Is Pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is, in general terms, pancreatic inflammation. The pancreas is a small organ located near your dog's stomach. It helps with digestion as well as regulating blood sugar. When it is inflamed, sometimes, fluids from inside the pancreas spill out into the abdominal cavity which can cause severe damage to other nearby organs and tissues. 

What Causes Pancreatitis?

Veterinarians are not entirely sure what causes most cases of pancreatitis in dogs. All dog breeds can develop pancreatitis. It is a fairly common affliction. 

Some dogs who are overweight or older may be more prone to the condition than younger more svelte dogs. The food you feed your dog can also affect whether or not they develop pancreatitis. If you feed them something high in fat like sausage or bacon, they could develop pancreatitis as a result. 

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatitis?

There are numerous signs and symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs. A lack of appetite is one of the main symptoms to look out for. Oftentimes, pancreatitis causes pain and discomfort in the abdomen and digestive tract. This, of course, will affect your dog's appetite. 

Vomiting is also a common sign of pancreatitis in dogs. They may also have obvious belly pain such as being sensitive to touch in that area of the body. Diarrhea can also be a symptom of the condition as can a lack of energy, irregular heartbeat, and fever. 

How Is Pancreatitis Treated?

If your dog shows signs of pancreatitis, it is important to get them to the animal hospital as soon as possible. Pancreatitis attacks can range from mild to severe and the shock of the condition can sometimes lead to death. So, swift treatment is vital for your dog's health and well-being. 

Monitoring and supportive care are often important for dogs with pancreatitis. They may need food to be withheld if they are vomiting. IV fluids could be necessary if the dog becomes dehydrated. Pain medication can also be administered to your dog to help make them more comfortable. 

If an infection is suspected, the veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, but pancreatitis often occurs without infection. Medications for nausea and vomiting are also an option, especially if the vomiting continues even when food is withheld. 

Dogs may also be put on a low-fat diet when food is resumed to help give the pancreas a bit of relief from its usual work. This will allow the pancreas to heal and "calm down." 

Be prepared for your dog to remain at the animal hospital for at least a day or two so they can be monitored and cared for by veterinary staff. This will help prevent any major complications and ensure your dog is on the road to recovery before they come home with you. 

With this knowledge about pancreatitis in dogs in mind, you can be sure you take your dog to the animal hospital at the first sign they may have this condition.


17 July 2020

Understanding and Helping Pets

When it comes time to help your animals, there are a lot of different things you can do to improve their quality of life. Walks, nutritious food, and excellent veterinary care are all great ways that you can help to improve your animal's day and their life in general. On this blog, check out great tips that will help your animals to live their best life, so that they are well-suited to be happy for the long haul. Read on this website to learn how to help your animal to live their happiest, most fulfilling lives, and how veterinary care can help tremendously.